Baerbel Jennert Foundation runs its programs on a model that builds the capacity of the under-served and marginalized to gainful engage stakeholders to effect change in their lives.

Strategic objectives:

  • To influence and foster favorable policy framework and enabling environment for enhanced quality health and development initiatives.
  • To create Demand for quality health and development service delivery.
  • To strengthen system of institutions for sustainable health and development initiatives.
  • Strengthened household and community to protect the children.


Strategic Activities:

  •  Menstrual Health Management for adolescent girls in School.
  • . Household economic strengthening for youths and poor women.
  • . Agripreneurship among the rural youth to mitigate the impact of climate change and food insecurity.
  •  Non Communicable Diseases (Awareness campaigns.
  •  Creation of demand for Sex and reproductive health services uptake.
  •  Demand for HIV service uptake for the vulnerable population.
  •  Child rights capacity building of children, community and government.
  •  OVC scholarship.

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