Uwenami Scholarship

The Uwenami Scholarship Fund was formed in 2018 and BJF raises funds from individuals, institutions, cooperates and others to support children’s education. The of BJF is to help children achieve their potential and in this direction BJF provides financial assistance to arrest the discontinuation of education of talented and meritorious children due to economic hardship, by providing scholarship support for pursuing their academic goals, the best way to an improved quality of life in future.  Read more…

Kuza Kuku Livelihood Support

Kuza program was started by the President of the Foundation Mercy Achieng Jennert to improve the household income of poor women through donation of Kuroiler breed of chicken. Kuza Kuku are Kiswahili words meaning take care of chicken. Kuroiler chickens have multi-colored plumage, but the characteristic and distinctive pattern is their speckled white and grey feathers. This speckled plumage acts as a perfect camouflage from predators, thus, ensuring its survival under the backyard production systems common in rural settings where no protection or supervision is offered.  Read more…

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

The main objective of this sexual and reproductive health program is enhancing the knowledge, skills and attitude of youth & adolescents on sexual and reproductive health and rights; leading to behavioral change which enables young people to make evidence based and informed decisions with responsible choices.  Read more….

2Girls1Dollar Project

Menstruation is not just a health problem in Kenya but a national catastrophe facing girls from low income households like Kenya. The program is based on 4 Sustainable Development Goals e.g. Goal 1No poverty, Goal 3Good Health and Well being,Goal,4 Quality Education and Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation.  Read more….


A shift from agriculture to agribusiness is an essential pathway to bring change or make revolution in Kenyan agriculture and to make more attractive and profitable venture. Agripreneurship has the potential to contribute to arrange of social and economic development such as employment generation, poverty reduction and improvements in nutrition, health and overall food security in the national economy.  Read more….

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